title: PostgreSQL background: bg-[#3d6488] tags: - DB - RDBMS categories: - Database date: 2021-01-11 14:19:24 intro: |

The PostgreSQL cheat sheet provides you with the common PostgreSQL commands and statements.

Getting Started

Getting started

Switch and connect ```shell script $ sudo -u postgres psql

List all databases
```shell script
postgres=# \l

Connect to the database named postgres ```shell script postgres=# \c postgres

```shell script
postgres=# \q
postgres=# \!

psql commands {.col-span-2}

Option Example Description
[-d] <database> psql -d mydb Connecting to database
-U psql -U john mydb Connecting as a specific user
-h -p psql -h localhost -p 5432 mydb Connecting to a host/port
-U -h -p -d psql -U admin -h -p 2506 -d mydb Connect remote PostgreSQL
-W psql -W mydb Force password
-c psql -c '\c postgres' -c '\dt' Execute a SQL query or command
-H psql -c "\l+" -H postgres > database.html Generate HTML report
-l psql -l List all databases
-f psql mydb -f file.sql Execute commands from a file
-V psql -V Print the psql version


Getting help

------------- --------------------------------
\h Help on syntax of SQL commands
\h DELETE DELETE SQL statement syntax
\? List of PostgreSQL command

Run in PostgreSQL console

PostgreSQL Working


Show version


Show system status ```sql {.wrap} \conninfo

Show environmental variables
```sql  {.wrap}

List users ```sql {.wrap} SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles;

Show current user
```sql  {.wrap}
SELECT current_user;

Show current user's permissions


Show current database ```sql {.wrap} SELECT current_database();

Show all tables in database
```sql  {.wrap}

List functions ```sql {.wrap} \df

### Databases

List databases
```sql  {.wrap}

Connect to database ```sql {.wrap} \c

Show current database
```sql  {.wrap}
SELECT current_database();

Create database ```sql {.wrap} CREATE DATABASE WITH OWNER ;

[Drop database](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-dropdatabase.html)
```sql {.wrap}
DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS <database_name>;

Rename database ```sql {.wrap} ALTER DATABASE RENAME TO ;

### Tables

List tables, in current db
```sql  {.wrap}

SELECT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.tables ORDER BY table_schema,table_name;

List tables, globally ```sql {.wrap} \dt ..

SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables

List table schema
```sql  {.wrap}
\d <table_name>
\d+ <table_name>

SELECT column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length
WHERE table_name = '<table_name>';

Create table ```sql {.wrap} CREATE TABLE ( , );

Create table, with an auto-incrementing primary key
```sql  {.wrap}
CREATE TABLE <table_name> (
  <column_name> SERIAL PRIMARY KEY

Delete table ```sql {.wrap} DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CASCADE;

### Permissions
Become the postgres user, if you have permission errors
sudo su - postgres

Grant all permissions on database ```sql {.wrap} GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE TO ;

Grant connection permissions on database
```sql  {.wrap}
GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE <db_name> TO <user_name>;

Grant permissions on schema ```sql {.wrap} GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO ;

Grant permissions to functions
```sql  {.wrap}

Grant permissions to select, update, insert, delete, on a all tables ```sql {.wrap} GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO ;

Grant permissions, on a table
```sql  {.wrap}
GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT ON <table_name> TO <user_name>;

Grant permissions, to select, on a table ```sql {.wrap} GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO ;

### Columns

[Add column](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-altertable.html)
```sql  {.wrap}
ADD <column_name> <data_type> [<constraints>];

Update column ```sql {.wrap} ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS ALTER TYPE [];

Delete column
```sql  {.wrap}
DROP <column_name>;

Update column to be an auto-incrementing primary key ```sql {.wrap} ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN SERIAL PRIMARY KEY;

Insert into a table, with an auto-incrementing primary key
```sql  {.wrap}
INSERT INTO <table_name>
VALUES (DEFAULT, <value1>);

INSERT INTO <table_name> (<column1_name>,<column2_name>)
VALUES ( <value1>,<value2> );


[Select](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-select.html] all data ```sql {.wrap} SELECT * FROM ;

Read one row of data
```sql  {.wrap}
SELECT * FROM <table_name> LIMIT 1;

Search for data ```sql {.wrap} SELECT * FROM WHERE = ;

[Insert](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-insert.html) data
```sql  {.wrap}
INSERT INTO <table_name> VALUES( <value_1>, <value_2> );

Update data ```sql {.wrap} UPDATE SET = , = WHERE = ;

[Delete](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-delete.html) all data
```sql  {.wrap}
DELETE FROM <table_name>;

Delete specific data ```sql {.wrap} DELETE FROM WHERE = ;

### Users

List roles
```sql  {.wrap}
SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles;

Create user ```sql {.wrap} CREATE USER WITH PASSWORD '';

[Drop user](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-dropuser.html)
```sql  {.wrap}
DROP USER IF EXISTS <user_name>;

Alter user password ```sql {.wrap} ALTER ROLE WITH PASSWORD '';

### Schema
List schemas
```sql  {.wrap}

SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata;

SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace;

Create schema ```sql {.wrap} CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ;

[Drop schema](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-dropschema.html)
```sql  {.wrap}

PostgreSQL Commands


------------------ ---------------------------------
\d <table> Describe table
\d+ <table> Describe table with details
\dt List tables from current schema
\dt *.* List tables from all schemas
\dt <schema>.* List tables for a schema
\dp List table access privileges
\det[+] List foreign tables

Query buffer

-------------- ------------------------------------
\e [FILE] Edit the query buffer (or file)
\ef [FUNC] Edit function definition
\p Show the contents
\r Reset (clear) the query buffer
\s [FILE] Display history or save it to file
\w FILE Write query buffer to file

Informational {.row-span-4}

----------------- ---------------------------------
\l[+] List all databases
\dn[S+] List schemas
\di[S+] List indexes
\du[+] List roles
\ds[S+] List sequences
\df[antw][S+] List functions
\deu[+] List user mappings
\dv[S+] List views
\dl List large objects
\dT[S+] List data types
\da[S] List aggregates
\db[+] List tablespaces
\dc[S+] List conversions
\dC[+] List casts
\ddp List default privileges
\dd[S] Show object descriptions
\dD[S+] List domains
\des[+] List foreign servers
\dew[+] List foreign-data wrappers
\dF[+] List text search configurations
\dFd[+] List text search dictionaries
\dFp[+] List text search parsers
\dFt[+] List text search templates
\dL[S+] List procedural languages
\do[S] List operators
\dO[S+] List collations
\drds List per-database role settings
\dx[+] List extensions

S: show system objects, +: additional detail


------------------------ -----------------------------
\c [DBNAME] Connect to new database
\encoding [ENCODING] Show or set client encoding
\password [USER] Change the password
\conninfo Display information


--------------- --------------------------------------------
\a Toggle between unaligned and aligned
\C [STRING] Set table title, or unset if none
\f [STRING] Show or set field separator for unaligned
\H Toggle HTML output mode
\t [on|off] Show only rows
\T [STRING] Set or unset HTML <table> tag attributes
\x [on|off] Toggle expanded output


------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
\copy ... Import/export table
See also: copy
\echo [STRING] Print string
\i FILE Execute file
\o [FILE] Export all results to file
\qecho [STRING] String to output stream


----------------------- -----------------------------------------------
\prompt [TEXT] NAME Set variable
\set [NAME [VALUE]] Set variable (or list all if no parameters)
\unset NAME Delete variable


-------------------- ----------------------
\cd [DIR] Change the directory
\timing [on|off] Toggle timing
\! [COMMAND] Execute in shell
\! ls -l List all in shell

Large Objects



Use pg_dumpall to backup all databases ```shell script $ pg_dumpall -U postgres > all.sql

Use pg_dump to backup a database
```shell script
$ pg_dump -d mydb -f mydb_backup.sql

Use pg_dump -? to get the full list of options


Restore a database with psql ```shell script $ psql -U user mydb < mydb_backup.sql

Restore a database with pg_restore
```shell script
$ pg_restore -d mydb mydb_backup.sql -c

Use pg_restore -? to get the full list of options

Remote access

Get location of postgresql.conf ```shell script $ psql -U postgres -c 'SHOW config_file'

Append to postgresql.conf
```shell script
listen_addresses = '*'

Append to pg_hba.conf (Same location as postgresql.conf) ```shell script host all all md5 host all all ::/0 md5

Restart PostgreSQL server
```shell script
$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Import/Export CSV

Export table into CSV file ```shell script \copy table TO '' CSV \copy table(col1,col1) TO '' CSV \copy (SELECT...) TO '' CSV

Import CSV file into table
```shell script
\copy table FROM '<path>' CSV
\copy table(col1,col1) FROM '<path>' CSV

See also: Copy

Also see