title: Sequel Pro date: 2022-11-23 16:23:31.701510 background: bg-[#ca9c3d] label: Mac tags: - - mac categories: - Keyboard Shortcuts intro: |
Shortcut | Action |
Cmd 1 |
Table Structure |
Cmd 2 |
Table Content |
Cmd 3 |
Table Relations |
Cmd 4 |
Table Info |
Cmd 5 |
Custom Query |
Cmd 6 |
Table Triggers |
Shortcut | Action |
Cmd N |
New window (connection file) |
Cmd T |
New tab (connection file) |
Cmd Shift A |
Add connection to favorites |
Cmd O |
Open (connection file or SQL file) |
Cmd Opt O |
Open current connection file in new window |
Cmd S |
Save (connection flie) |
Cmd Shift S |
Save as (connection file) |
Cmd Ctrl S |
Save query |
Cmd W |
Close (connection file) |
Cmd Opt W |
Close all (connection file) |
Cmd P |
Cmd Shift I |
Import |
Cmd Shift K |
Show console window |
Cmd K |
Clear console |
Ctrl Opt Left |
Back in history |
Ctrl Opt Right |
Forward in history |
Ctrl Tab |
Select next tab |
Ctrl Shift Tab |
Select previous tab |
Ctrl Shift N |
Insert NULL value |
Cmd Shift C |
Copy create table syntax |
Cmd Opt S |
Show create table syntax |
Cmd Shift R |
Refresh databases |
Cmd Shift D |
Choose database |
Cmd Shift V |
Show server variables |
Cmd Opt P |
Show server processes |
Cmd Ctrl R |
Refresh tables |
Cmd Shift F |
Flush privileges |
Cmd U |
User accounts... |
Cmd C |
Copy selection or selected row(s) |
Cmd Opt C |
Copy selected row(s) with column names |
Cmd Opt Ctrl C |
Copy selected row(s) as SQL INSERT |
Cmd Shift T |
Show/hide toolbar |
Cmd Ctrl F |
Filter table content |
Cmd Opt Ctrl F |
Filter tables |
Cmd Opt Ctrl B |
Bundle editor |
Cmd Opt Ctrl N |
Navigator |
Shortcut | Action |
Ctrl W |
Select current word |
Ctrl L |
Select current line |
Cmd Shift B |
Select enclosing brackets |
Cmd A |
Select all |
Shortcut | Action |
Cmd Opt A |
Add a new field |
Del |
Delete selected field |
Cmd D |
Duplicate selected field |
Cmd R |
Refresh table structure |
Cmd 4 |
Edit table details |
Shortcut | Action |
Cmd Opt A |
Add a new row |
Del |
Delete selected row(s) |
Cmd D |
Duplicate selected row |
Cmd R |
Refresh table contents |
Shortcut | Action |
Cmd Opt R |
Run all queries (1.0+) / Run current query or selection (<= |
Cmd R |
Run current query or selection (1.0+) / Run all queries (<= |
Cmd [ |
Shift line or selection rightwards |
Cmd ] |
Shift line or selection leftwards |
Cmd / |
Toggle comment line or selection |
Cmd Opt / |
Toggle comment current query |
F5 |
Spell checker completion (narrow-down list) |
Ctrl Y |
Select current query |
Ctrl H |
Show MySQL help for current word or selection |
Cmd Opt F |
Open query favorites popup menu |
Cmd Opt Y |
Open query history popup menu |
Ctrl Up |
Insert previous history item (successively) |
Ctrl Down |
Insert next history item (successively) |
Cmd Opt 1 |
Show all database names as completion list |
Cmd Opt 2 |
Show all table and view names as completion list |
Cmd Opt 3 |
Show all table names from current database as completion list |