title: Skype date: 2022-11-23 16:23:31.698711 background: bg-[#52ace2] label: tags: - - categories: - Keyboard Shortcuts intro: |

A visual cheat-sheet for the 31 keyboard shortcuts found in Skype

Keyboard Shortcuts {.cols-2}

General I

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift O Open Notification panel
Ctrl , Open app settings
Ctrl 2 Launch main dial pad
Ctrl N Start new conversation
Ctrl G New group
Ctrl F Find in current conversation
Shift Enter Select next message in search results
Enter Select previous message in search results
Ctrl Shift E Focus Message Composer
Ctrl Option S Search for People, Groups, and Messages
Alt 1 Navigate to recent chats
Ctrl Shift C Open contacts
Ctrl Shift B Open contact screen to bots
Ctrl Alt O Send feedback
Ctrl R Refresh the app
Ctrl T Open themes


General II

Shortcut Action
Ctrl Shift T Toggle between light and dark mode
Ctrl +/-/0 Zoom in, out, or actual size
Ctrl Shift E Edit the last message sent
Ctrl I Show conversation profile
Ctrl Shift A Add people to conversation or call
Ctrl E Hide conversation
Ctrl Shift U Mark as unread
Ctrl Shift K Start video call or toggle video on/off
Ctrl Shift L Select multiple messages in conversation
Ctrl Shift R Start or answer audio call
Ctrl Shift F Send a file
Ctrl Shift G Open gallery
Ctrl S Take a snapshot
Ctrl Shift H Hang up
Ctrl Shift M Toggle mute


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