title: Twitter date: 2022-11-23 16:23:31.705009 background: bg-[#4894e2] label: tags: - - categories: - Keyboard Shortcuts intro: |

A visual cheat-sheet for the 26 keyboard shortcuts found on Twitter

Keyboard Shortcuts


Shortcut Action
N New tweet
L Like tweet
R Reply to tweet
T Retweet
M Direct message
U Mute account
B Block account
Enter Open tweet details
O Expand photos
/ Search
Ctrl Enter Send tweet



Shortcut Action
? Full keyboard menu
J Next tweet
K Previous tweet
Space Page down
. Load new tweets



Shortcut Action
G N Home timeline
G O Moments
G N Notifications tab
G R Mentions
G P Profile
G L Likes tab
G I Lists tab
G M Direct messages
G S Settings and privacy
G U Go to someone's profile


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